The restart help plus can be applied for immediately. Basically everything stays as it was. New: EUR 250 more per month.
Here are the facts and links at a glance:
- Funding period July 1 to September 30, 2021
- Lost sales of 60 % or more
- Eligible to apply are self-employed persons who employed less than one employee (full-time equivalent) on February 29, 2020 or June 31, 2021 (before the start of the funding period).
- An application and the use of Bridging Aid III, including the New Start Aid with the funding period from January to June 2021, does not exclude an application and the use of New Start Aid Plus and vice versa. (Note: it can be changed! Those who have ÜH3 until the end of June could switch to the NSH from July and vice versa, if desired.)
- The sales definition:
- Turnover is basically the taxable turnover according to § 1 UtG.
- Services that were carried out in the rest of the community area in accordance with Section 3a (2) UtG and are therefore not taxable in Germany
- other domestic non-taxable sales (ie place of performance is abroad).
- Scholarships, further education student loans, donations and income from crowdfunding do not count as sales.
- there are no specifications regarding the use of the restart help plus.
- Direct application or an application via a third party
- The costs for advice and application by a third party are subsidized.
- No offset against the basic security.
- Income taxable business income. VAT free.
The application can be submitted once until October 31, 2021.
To the FAQ:
To the application portal (with Elster certificate)
Bridging aid 3 Plus cannot be applied for yet.
(Information without guarantee. As of 07/16/21)