isdv Mitglied werden!

Germany is an employee country. Everything is designed for dependent employment.

Die isdv setzt sich für mehr Selbständigkeit ein und für deutlich mehr Einbeziehung der Selbständigen in die politischen Entscheidungen.

We are active on the topics:

– Strengthening of the self-employed

– Solution to bogus self-employment

– Working status determination

– Social security for the self-employed

– Reduce the tax burden of self-employment

– Reduce bureaucratic obstacles and costs

– secure assignment

– Start-up advice

– Daily rates/fees

- and much more

In order to achieve our goals, we have teamed up with strong partners in networks.

In the Federal Working Group of Self-Employed Associations (BAGSV) we work on federal political issues, are regularly invited to talks in Berlin and act as experts in committees of the Bundestag.

In the event industry interest group (IGVW), we participate in internal industry issues such as quality standards (SQ), training and further education and standardization issues.

Another network is the event management forum. Here we discuss political issues with industry associations, develop joint press releases and meet federal and state politicians to enforce the interests of the events industry.

If you are also concerned with these topics, help isdv gain more weight and influence through a large, strong community of members.

Every member counts. That's the only way we can all get ahead.

Become a member of isdv now.

We. Together. Now.

#isdv #independence #weTogetherNow #StopsTheDumping

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